View Profile leedon

54 Movie Reviews

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Here we go again

Well well well, someone doesn't see eye to eye with the Awesome series.

You're right about the bad animation that Egoraptor does, and that's about it.
But he makes the bad animation FUNNY. This.... this isn't hardly classified animation, more less entertainment. It's not even funny, especially for an Awesome parody. The only thing that made me giggle is the A-Hole part. Egoraptor animates poorly, yes, but atleast he animates.

And if you're basing this against more on Egoraptor more than the Awsome series, which I'm assuming you are, there's a thing: Atleast he's liked by people. He has been an extremely well voice actor, comedian, and an overall guy.
Also if you say that the people that like the Awesome series has bad taste, well I look at it this way: More than 3/4ths of Newgrounds like the Awesome series. That means that the overall "Taste", being based on popularity, is a Win for the Awesome series. So if youre the 1/4th of the population that hates the Awesome series, you-have-bad-taste. Tell me I'm wrong.

Consider this a positive review.

AshfordPride responds:


Spot on.

Everything was just exactly the same as Raving Rabbids commercials! Except this eas actually funny! Great. This could be Front-Paged!

Snow-Fox responds:

I wish! XD thanks for the review, though i think i screwed up a bit for the dancing rabbids XD


Just saw this at the latest submissions area and I was like... 'Strife..... I know that guy!' So I watched it and loved it and gave 5 and told you this at spp and made this review and gave it ten and jerked off.

Oh my gawd.

Damn, you and Dustball have been with eachother longer than I thought!
All hail the Gods of Newgrounds!

Watched it more than twenty times and still cant stop, I saw it this summer and now I am addicted to it. Best stop animation EVER.
Better than Knox. No offence.


Music WAS SPECTACULAR-----Nathan McCree??!!!!!!!! No fucking way!!! Awsome

Graphics are blind curingly amazing. Water was the best of any I've ever seen. You are an animator that NO ONE CAN TOP!

You WILL make history, I garuntee you.

Humor, was a little childish at times, but it made me laugh a bit.
I was waiting a year for this and I got what I would say is the best animation ever. Never in my life would I have the imagination you posses and you've given everyone a peice.
This animation is heaven.


Poor in both pivot and flash.

I know, I know, I gave this a 2. But it's just like high beg in pivot and the actionscript for the music wasn't good. The music wouldn't stop, looks like someone forgot two pieces of code. You used Jon's and Berts sticks well, tho.

bobmoo responds:

yeah i don't know what im doing in flash
and whats wrong with being high beg?


This proves that graphics can easily be overthrown by other things. Well done.
Made me laugh.... uh oh, I'm going to hell..... >:(

I watched it for about 10 seconds after realizing-

I has nothing else. Way to make something boring.

I have risen.

LeeDon Burnett @leedon

Age 30, Male



Atoka, OK

Joined on 4/15/07

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